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Online dating is difficult due to (among other reasons) its dependence on the written word. It’s difficult, through writing alone, to communicate important things like tone, temperament, and personality—characteristics crucial for compatibility. Photos, too, have significant limitations. Early matching services knew this and used video profiles (a lot of mainstream dating sites, for many—and we mean many—reasons, don’t use video or are debating their merits and demerits).

MarketPlace isn’t venturing into the online dating market, but we applied those matchmaking principles to our business, and we decided that in order to help tell our story to potential partners, we need more than words and pictures.

Because we work with companies around the world, we can’t always make introductions in person, so we created a video to help make that introduction, to help tell our story, to better help potential partners determine whether we might be a good match. This is our story.

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MarketPlace is a strategic partner to health and wellness, pet and animal, and food and beverage brands. Through business strategy, industry focus, and marketing expertise, we help our partners grow.
