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I didn’t have the type of mother who said things like, “Well, you’re a sight to behold,” but if I did, she would have said that to me just about every day during my middle school years. I regret many of the outfits I wore in the mid- to late-eighties, but not because I dressed like everyone else and everyone from the mid- to late-eighties looks goofy to me now. I regret them because they were truly terrible choices, regardless of context. I’m talking spandex bike shorts, suspenders, and fish tie terrible. Walking billboard for idiocy terrible. Assistant Librarian laughing at me terrible.

I was certainly a sight to behold, but people weren’t beholding me the way I imagined they would. People didn’t respond to me the way I hoped they would. I was the incomplete package.

Here’s what I know now but didn’t know then: I didn’t just want people to see me, notice me, or even approve of me. I didn’t even want them to “behold” me. I wanted to be held. I wanted to be loved. What I needed was the guidance of someone with experience and wisdom, someone who knew my audience better than I did, someone who knew what moves people to respond the right way.

This is a story about consumer goods packaging.

As a food marketing agency, we spend a lot of time studying consumer habits, analyzing consumer goods trends, and staying current on consumer packaging issues, from design to label claims to local and governmental regulations. We have vast experience managing print runs and collaborating with vendors, and we plan and strategize for efficiency, knowing in advance all the technical aspects required to make a packaging project successful. Our design takes into account every element of packaging, from technical issues like color reproduction, substrates, and coating to aesthetic issues like store lighting and food styling. We offer custom photography and illustration. We know the shifts in national brand marketing, and we know what moves consumers to select private label brands.

In other words, when it comes to the art of packaging and package design of any type or size for the food, beverage, or ingredients industries, we can partner with you today to develop packaging that does more than get noticed; we develop packaging that gets held, packaging that moves consumers to buy, packaging that consumers love.

If you’re interested in more information, wonder whether we might be a good fit to partner with you on your packaging project, or have questions about something you read here, please give us a call at 314.647.9500 or send us an email at!

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MarketPlace is a strategic partner to health and wellness, pet and animal, and food and beverage brands. Through business strategy, industry focus, and marketing expertise, we help our partners grow.
