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Shane Parker

Sr Copywriter

Where someone might just see a pair of shoes, Shane sees a life’s story. Paths walked; moments imprinted. Past, present, and the untold possibilities of tomorrow’s journey are observed, connected, and reformulated into a thousand words—or, as both a writer and photographer, one picture.

At MarketPlace, Shane does much of the same for brand stories. In his role as Senior Copywriter, though, he likes to take a more contained approach. One where he uses business and consumer data, industry knowledge, brand identity, and partner goals to build a guiding perimeter for his boundless creativity.

Over the last decade, he’s gotten pretty stellar at it, too. Telling epic tales for giants like Logitech and Microsoft (as well as a laundry list of B2B and B2C businesses across the country). Earning three Regional Gold ADDY Awards. Getting Google AdWords Certified, to boot. With a BS Degree in Psychology, emphasis in behavioral and cognitive psychology, and a minor in sociology, Shane’s ability to empathize with and meet our partners’ goals is rooted in a deeply studied grasp of the human condition.

A loving husband to his beloved wife, Rachel. Cat-dad to Finnegan, AKA Finnjamin. And extoller of 20-dollar words. Shane’s path merging with MarketPlace’s spells untold possibility.
